"By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another." John 13:35
SEMINARIAN SUPPORT: Provides funding for seminarians and their families while in school.
HOLY CROSS AUXILIARY: For many years, supported parish life by coordinating weekly fellowship hour, parish dinners, fund-raising projects and special-event fellowships.
BUILDING AND GROUNDS: coordinates property and lawn maintenance on a rotating basis.
CHARITY/OUTREACH MINISTRIES: Holy Cross participates in community events such as Souperbowl Sunday, CROP Walk against hunger, and Life-Chain. Ongoing collections of food, household and hygiene items support St Ann's Food Pantry. Globally, Holy Cross is a partner with IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities: iocc.org). Updates are posted on the mission and ministry bulletin board in our Orthodox Fellowship Center.
CHURCH TOURS/OPEN HOUSE: coordinates individual/group tours, visits and talks about the church and offers specialized informational programs in areas of history, art and architecture.
COMMUNICATIONS: Holy Cross publishes a weekly bulletin, various tracts and brochures, issues press releases, and maintains the parish website. We've recently added a Facebook page (accessible via our parish website).
FEAST DAY SERVICES: Major Orthodox feasts are celebrated with Liturgy on the day of the feast and Vespers on the eve of the feast. Additional weekday services are announced in the weekly bulletin.
FELLOWSHIP HOUR: After the Divine Liturgy on Sundays, parish members host gatherings in the Parish Hall for coffee, food, and good fellowship . . . EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
HOME BLESSINGS: annual pastoral visits available to all parishioners during the Theophany season in January.
HOSPITAL MINISTRY: assures parishioners are visited and prayed for while patients at Susquehanna Health System and other area hospitals, assisted living centers and nursing centers. (Due to privacy regulations, parishioners/families should inform the parish office of hospitalization).
INQUIRERS CLASSES: Orthodoxy 101 to enhance personal instruction; for those desiring to further explore the Orthodox faith.
MISSIONS: reports on and supports international efforts of OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center: ocmc.org) and partners with the OCA and Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania to support domestic missions and new church plants.
PARISH COUNCIL: provides regular administrative leadership by elected officers at monthly meetings to address all administrative, financial and maintenance issues.
PARISH MEETING: held annually in late October or early November as the highest administrative and legislative body of the local church that receives reports, elects officers and adopts an annual operating budget.
"PRE" COUNSELING: by appointment with clergy, prepares candidates for participation in the Sacraments of the Church including Baptism, Chrismation and Marriage.
YOUTH MINISTRY: coordinates parish youth activities and supports youth activities in cooperation with the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania.
ZOE FOR LIFE: Holy Cross supports this Orthodox center in Ohio in their ministry to new mothers and adoption referral services.